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KickassTorrents (commonly abbreviated KAT) was a website that provided a directory for 2016, some of the former KAT staff and moderators launched a website with a similar appearance as the original under the domain katcr.co. access to the Community can be limited in the following days. *uploaders* Do NOT logoff and you can still upload. Just a repost ;-) #kickasstorrents #katcr.co. Not seeing that happen here (you're definitely at katcr.co?). Can you just click or copy the magnet link & paste it into your torrent client? KAT's magnet links aren't katcr.co/new/full; kickasstorrents.pw; kickasstorrents.cr; kat.li; kickass.cd. Most of these sites have a clean and simple interface for users 14 Jul 2019 Torrent Downloaded From Katcr.co - Kickasstorrents.txt - Free download as Text File (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Shortly after the shutdown, a group of devoted original KAT staffers launched the Katcr.co forum in hopes of bringing back KickassTorrents to its former glory, 17 Dec 2016 Their efforts are documented on forums at Katcr.co. The team have finally patched together a site that looks like the original KAT and
This is a new name address for KAT, Kickass, Kickass Torrents This site is a reliable replacement of kat.cr, and it is updated every second, and also have the old database of kat.cr
KickassTorrents (couramment abrégé KAT) est un annuaire web de fichiers torrent et de liens magnet destiné à faciliter le partage de fichiers.Le site a été fondé en 2008 et a été mis hors ligne le 20 juillet 2016, lorsque le domaine a été saisi par le gouvernement des États-Unis. Katcr.co a pour adresse ip et est hébergé à Paris, France. La quantité de bande passante utilisée par Katcr est de 8,845 Go par jour. Nous estimons ainsi que katcr.co utilise un total de 1 serveur(s), avec un coût de 30 euros par mois. Analyse de l'hébergement
HTTPS Everywhere permet de forcer/contraindre le site Web katcr.co, utilisant HTTPS sur certaines de ses pages seulement, à le faire sur toutes ses pages (protection de votre vie privée)
Search and discuss new and favorite TV shows & TV series, movies, music and games on Kickass Torrents Back in July, we told you about Katcr.co. This website was a result of the original KickassTorrents staffers who grouped to build a community website.Then, it didn’t offer any torrent links.